We aim to encourage the people living in the communities along the canal to take an interest in it and help maintain it as a pleasant amenity for
boating, walking, cycling or fishing.
To this end, The Bridge 19-40 Union Canal Society’s main activities include:
- Maintaining the canal and its immediate environment
- Maintaining our boats (Our new Boat and Roseann, our workboat)
- Running low-cost boat trips on the first Sunday afternoon of each month (from April to October)
- Operating private charters on our new Boat once it is fitted out
- Sharing canal heritage and local history on our boat trips to the Almond Aqueduct
- Co-operating / partnering with others to further our aims (such as LUCS, Re-Union, Edinburgh Canal Festival, The Shale Trail,Scottish Canal, Scottish
Waterways for All, Narrowboat Farm, Visit West Lothian, Broxburn & Uphall Traders Association (BUTA) and other local community groups.
- Raising funds to support the Society’s activities
We run our boat trips from Port Buchan in Broxburn
but our boats are moored at Drumshoreland Basin, the Union Canal base of Scottish Canals.
The Bridge 19-40 Union Canal Society is a registered
charity (SC023110) run solely by volunteers and supported by donations and income from events and boat trips.